Inviting Content Contributors

The Profile organization is committed to providing detailed, actionable, and well-researched articles that our small business community may deem valuable. If you have knowledge within the flexible office space industry or simply have something to share to help small businesses become more successful, please read our submission guideliness carefully.

Content Contributions Virtual Business Address
Content Contributions Virtual Business Address
Content Contributions Virtual Business Address

The Profile reserves the right to edit, remove, or reject any posts for any reason.

No Sponsored Material: As mentioned we do not use our content to promote specific companies, so all submitted content (and any included backlinks) is subject to strict editing and refusal if it does not meet our standards.

Do Not Plagarize or Submit Duplicate Content: We can only accept original content, so we suggest researching our site before submitting your ideas to make sure we haven’t already covered them. Content must be cited and well-researched: Make sure all included sources are from highly relevant, trustworthy sites and that all data, statistics, and research is linked back to its original source. Spell Correct and Use Proper Grammar Content MUST be between 3,000-4,500 words (long form) with actionable steps to guide users.

How to Submit a Content Topic

Please enter in the subject line “Content Contributor” along with an author bio (no more than two sentences), hyperlink  to your website or social media profile. Full Name Email Address Phone Number A short introduction about yourself and why you’re interested in coworking 3-5 article ideas and a short summary of how the blog will be organized If we approve your request, we will either accept the post or request that you send us a new topic and headline before we move forward.

Thanks for your interest in TheProfile!

    Let’s start to talk!
    We’d love to hear from you.

    Content Contributions Virtual Business Address